"True growth begins on a journey within." -- Dr. Christy M. Stammen, Plano Psychologist
Dr. Christy Stammen currently offers telehealth/virtual and in-person therapy sessions.
Dr. Stammen is credentialed with PSYPACT and is eligible to practice telemental health in any state that has enacted PSYPACT legislation, which now includes over half of the United States!
Click on the button below, to see if your state is included.
Welcome and thank you for your interest in Dr. Stammen’s Clinical Psychology practice in Plano, Texas. She offers a variety of individual, marital/couples, and family psychotherapies for adults, adolescents, and pre-teens.
Who is a psychologist?
A psychologist is a person who is trained in the area of mental health assessment, diagnosis and treatment, specifically in observing behavior that enhances personal growth. Psychologists, after graduating from college, spend an average of an additional seven years in training before receiving a doctorate. Further, they must complete two internships and two licensing exams before practicing. Psychologists are unique to the mental health field in their training and use of psycho-diagnostic instruments. They have the ability to accurately assess your individual needs through psychological testing. Psychologists then design a treatment plan that can help remediate your problems.
Please click on a link to visit other pages to learn more about Dr. Stammen’s services.
Christy M. Stammen, Ph.D.
1700 Alma Drive Ste. 205
Plano, TX 75075
Email: christy@drstammen.com
Phone: 972-509-2611 x3